Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Allergy Advice: What Works Best for You-- Pills of Otherwise?

Now that the ragweed is flowering, I'm miserable. (constantly runny, itchy eyes, running nose, sneezing persistently, raw skin under the nose, and I feel like I have a cold)

Any suggestions? What pills work best for you other brave allergy sufferers? (I like to live my life, go bicycling, hiking, and stuff, which makes it far worse too. But even in the house it's terrible.)

I have found that Claritin doesn't help me at all when it gets this bad. I even took one today, with little to no impact.

I prefer over-the-counter solutions. Let me know what works best for you. :) Help me not have to feel horrible for the next month-and-a-half to two months!Allergy Advice: What Works Best for You-- Pills of Otherwise?
Claritin only works if you take it on a daily basis whether you're suffering or not. It's meant to control long-term allergies. Claritin D is what you can take when you suffer an allergy outbreak (stuffy nose, head, etc.). I find the 12 hour works better than the 24 hour for some reason. You can also try Sudafed for the outbreaks. You're going to have to do a trial and error. Some drugs work better than others. I can't take the generic brands as they make me too jittery.Allergy Advice: What Works Best for You-- Pills of Otherwise?
Maximum Strength Sinus %26amp; Allergy Walgreens brand. Cheaper then Tylonal one. And I found it works as well. I have severe allergies. I have taken Claritin D and a few others perscripion strength even. I got rebound headaches from it. That was worse then the allergy attack.

I tried Flonaze. yuk.

Then i found if i boil water once a week four big pots full on the stove it grabs the particuls in the air. (2 to 4 hours) It also makes me feel better after I mow. Be prepared to blow your nose.

Also i know runners that place vasoline on the edge of there nostrils to catch air born particals. Then blows after the run.
if u have allergy to polen every year u should go to the allergologist to find out what plant causes u that; for pollen and some acarians there r some vaccines u get each month for less than 3 years and u will be hyposenzitized to it.

i also did that for an acarian and now i breath much better in dust.

also when i sneeze, breathing on my nose salted water helps, but go to the dr ; i didn't and now i have asthma; don't play with allergies

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