Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How do you overcome being a chronic worrier besides just ';Getting over it'; (easier said, I need real advice!)

It's pretty much controling my entire life. I've had many wonderful things happen to be in the past 3 months and is all I do instead of enjoying these wonderful accomplishments, opportunities, times, etc is worry, worry, worry that something horrible is going to happen. I would say I have this negative-worrysome thought process because I did have a few years stretch of some not so great times (ok, things flat out sucked for a while!) Now that my life is getting good again, how do I learn to enjoy it instead of living in fear that my happiness will be taken away again?How do you overcome being a chronic worrier besides just ';Getting over it'; (easier said, I need real advice!)
first take a deep breath and live a littleHow do you overcome being a chronic worrier besides just ';Getting over it'; (easier said, I need real advice!)
Ah, You are obvously an unstructured worrier. That is verry inefficient. Organize your worrying. Set aside 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. All worrying is for those times. Random worries through the day should be saved until then( use notes if you worry that you may not remember to worry when you should) But no actual worrying outside of those times.

This will make your worrying much more efficient and productive.

ps, change your frikken nickname to something humourous, dammit, Miss Violet Pansey Daff O'Dill
Take the issue that you are worrying over and jot it down at the top of a piece of paper.

List all the possible ways this thing could happen, all the things you can think of to prevent it happening. Then think about the ways this thing could happen.

Can you prevent it? If not, accept it. This is the hardest part. Sometimes something unpleasant is going to happen, you know its going to happen, and you just accept it (dentist appointment, dinner at the mother-in-laws, etc).

Make a similiar list for all the different things that you worry about. Keep adding to the list. That seems like you would be thinking about it even more, but getting it on paper and figuring out ways to avoid some and accept others is sometimes helpful to stop worrying about it.

Sometimes just making a list of all the things you are scared might happen is enough, sometimes you don't even need to analyze it.

But I do strongly suggest you look into counseling, it sounds a bit like maybe you are suffering from depression or anxiety. Or are at least leaning that direction.
you can start by looking at the bright side that you are not in the time that you had been in your negative days and try to enjoy it while it lasts.

you need to make your own happiness one makes it in thier own mind.
getting over it just doesn't work....figure it out, what happened to you, Why that happened to you, what you did to change it, what have you learned???

Let the past be the past, live for the moment, enjoy each one, notice that the birds are singing, that the kids are playing, notice life in general.

Taking the time to accept life and the things that occur in it. Knowing that there are going to be more bad times ahead and knowing that you can handle what life throws at you really helps. Knowing that there are also good times ahead, maybe even better than you know.

But I say acceptance is the best way to ';get over it';. You don't have to like it, you cant change it, let it go.


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.....

Living one day at a time,enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as a pathway to peace. This sinful world as it is; not as I would have it: trusting that you will make all things right, if I surrender to your will, so that I my be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with you forever in the next.


Reinhold Niebvuhr
You could start by getting this book and reading it :

';How to Stop Worrying and Start Living';

by Dale Carnegie. It's a good book and it helped me when I seemed preoccupied with worry in my younger days.

Life is too short to sit around worrying all the time. You're afraid your little bubble of joy is going to burst at any moment. I understand this feeling, I've been there before. But you need to appreciate those good moments and days...one step or day at a time and IF something were to happen, it would be a shame if all this time you did nothing but waste what time you did have...by constantly worrrying. This doesn't make any sense. We all do it sometimes but you have to stop worrying and start living, like the book says. I don't know...I read that book and I focused on the positive things. I still sometimes think negatively for a little while but it doesn't last or keep me down. I've learned a better way to live and it feels good, believe me. You can do the same.

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