Thursday, July 29, 2010

Poll for nurses: What advice would you give someone entering Nursing School?

Concerning tests, studying, organization, etc....what helped you succeed?

ThanksPoll for nurses: What advice would you give someone entering Nursing School?
You really HAVE to want to take care of people, because you will be doing a LOT of things that you never ever dreamed of.

The demands made on you at time will over whelm, and the Thanks are few and far between.

It really would help to work as a CNA or LPN , because even if you don't do the hands on care later on,it helps you be a better manager of not only your time, but theirs. I got the hands on experience, which is how I learn...more so than book learning.

I was never one to cram before a test, If I haven't learned the material before...cramming wasn't going to help. I read and reread the material days before any test and thought about an experience I had to help make it make sense for me.

Organization is really important. helps to be a bit anal about that! This isn't something that can be are or are not.

You have to be willing to work odd shifts, long hours, weekends and holidays. Something not everyone seems to think about before getting into this field.

Don't enter the field if it is a Doctor you are just hoping to meet and marry. You will see the long hours and difficult personalities in a lot of them and RUN!!

Rambling on here, and sorry for that.

It is at times a difficult career, a learning experience daily, but for me the most rewarding! I love being a is just who I am.Poll for nurses: What advice would you give someone entering Nursing School?
Are you going into nursing? I know you said you were going back to school, but didn't know for what.

Anything I can do to help...give me a shout.

Thanks again, John and Good Luck in whatever you decide to be when you grow up!! :-)

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Here is a great nursing forum:

My advice is to study by doing lots of NCLEX style questions instead of trying to memorize every small detail. The tests in nursing school are different than what you're probably used to.

I would also recommend that you do as much as possible in clinical. If they ask a group of you who wants to do (fill in the blank), volunteer! You can get a lot out of your clinicals, or you can skate by not doing much. I've skated by for the most part, and now that I'm close to graduation, I wish I had done a lot more.
Make sure you can be nice to patients at all times before you even start.

Make sure you don't bring your problems with you to your job.

The worst thing in the world is a mad nurse who doesn't know how to control her attitude along with her career.

Have to start there first. These days nurses are only concerned about the good money and not treating patients nice.
I'm a nursing student, and I would say you have to want it really bad...Its not easy, its alot of hard work and dedication. I always have my nose in books..hardly any free time..but it will pay off in the end. So my advice to you is only go into nursing if you really really want that to be your career. :) because its super hard and time consuming, but it will be worth it.

Goood Luck :)
Are you doing it????


You know a wise man once told me - nurses and teachers are angels without wings!!!!
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