Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Your advice to Gorden Brown, Would you say Black or Red?

I'd say Black, after Black Tuesday or was it Wednesday?Your advice to Gorden Brown, Would you say Black or Red?
I think the Titanic analogy is very apt.

Captain - we have reports of an iceberg ahead and we are steaming straight towards it!

Captain Brown: It is statistically impossible for there to be icebergs at this latitude.

(Brown is handed a telescope - puts it to his eye, transient look of panic as he spots a huge iceberg. He hurriedly composes himself.)

Brown: Although there is, indeed, an iceberg ahead, we are well-placed to be able to deal with it. It is only a small iceberg and poses no danger to this ship. Our hull is of the latest technology and is in good shape to withstand any impact.

(He furiously steers to alter course - the ship hurtles on regardless)


Captain - we don't have enough liferafts in the event of an emergency!

Brown: Of course we have enough liferafts. In the Ships' Budget Proposal, 1st mate Darling spent millions hiring consultants to design the best liferafts money could buy.

But we've only got ten - and one was leaking! The design went five times over budget and we only got half the number we asked for.

(Ship lists alarmingly - alarms sound.)

Brown: Out of my way! Get me a lifeboat! Ministers and MPs first!Your advice to Gorden Brown, Would you say Black or Red?
I think new labour must have had tins of food sealed with lead or they might just be naturally delusional.

I can imagine gordon on the bridge of the Titanic saying - ';This ship is in a good position'; %26amp; '; There is no hole'; as it sinks into the sea.

It is very certainly black.
I'd say Brown Monday. Because after Gordon's pathetic efforts, we are really in the brown stuff now...

They know all too well they were going to lose the next election, so they've decided to store up all this trouble for the conservatives - it's no coincidence that we don't start paying the money back until 2011!
There are labels like BLACK which give extraordinary events extra meaning..

Its likely that doom and gloom will descend up on the whole economy and has economic activity slows to an almost stop. The dreaded DEFLATION will bite into everyone lives, by the middle of next year 3 million unemployed in the UK.. The good times are gone and won't ever be back like they where during the last 12 years.. Its best to baton down the hatches and wait for the storm to come and pass..
it was mucky monday i would say. and with gordon brown at the helm i would also say its time to leave this sinking ship. hes like a stupid teenager who's maxed out on one credit card so gets another, and another and another.
errm but Guys, Obama is doing exactly the same. Hoover did exactly the same but because he didn't borrow for two more years he hit an ice berg.

How many really BAD recessions under the Tories did we in their reign?

Come one guys read your history.
A large bet on black then put some individual bets on individual numbers (which are all reds ) - if that doesn't work he could try the craps table.
I see red - after yesterday's total garbage. He and Darling haven't helped me one bit.

I would say to him ';start walking before I fire';.
Brown should be arrested for murder - Prudence is surely dead!
What you on about?!

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