Sunday, August 22, 2010

Can you give me advice on how to make a board game that has something to do with reading as in the subject?

Also you can use the jeopardy template for reconzing words and spelling and filling in the phrase and the students earn points just like on the real game show.Can you give me advice on how to make a board game that has something to do with reading as in the subject?
I know you said board game, but I wonder if perhaps you are looking for hands-on fun that also goes beyond the board-game specific category, such as card games, scrap-paper types of games, etc.? I also wonder if you are interested in reading specifically or the many language arts

Beginning reader:

Popular well known reading activities are Phonics/Sight Word Bingo, Grandma's Trunk (each student adds a sight word card to the list and reads the whole list that has accumulated so far)


Bethump'd (this one is quite challenging and suitable for the older student)

Spelling too?

Hangman, Boogle and Boggle Junior, Scrabble, Sort My Laundry (kids put words on T-shirts into the laundry basket that has the matching spelling rule)Can you give me advice on how to make a board game that has something to do with reading as in the subject?
Try the 3D-Tic-Tac-Toe game that is used in the math competition in the 5th %26amp; 6th grades. The playing field is four levels, each level has 16 squares. Total of 64 squares. Two people alternate turns putting X and 0's. The person that first puts four in a row wins.

It is said that playing these type of games for awhile will increase the students IQ by 5 to 7%. Make them better thinkers.

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