Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do you have any advice for taking the road test to get my license in Massachusetts?

Im takin my ROAD test Friday and i was just wondering if anyone that has taken it RECENTLY has any good advice...

also do you have to go inside and wait in the line before you take it or do you just pull up to the back door and they come to you??Do you have any advice for taking the road test to get my license in Massachusetts?
You have to go in and let them know you are there. Be sure you have proof of insurance and registration. Be sure all your signals and lights are working on the car, or you'll have to reschedule. Be sure you know how to back up along a curb! I failed that the first time around. They dont test us on parallel parking in my area of california, but be sure to know if they test you on that. And if you fail the first time, dont cry like I did. It's okay... and 2 weeks isnt that long to wait to try again.

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